Personalization levers matter three times more to Customers than they did four years ago. In response, leading retailers including Amazon, H-E-B and Kroger have created tailored approaches in how they drive personalization to win customer preference.  With differing approaches, some do particularly well in one of the drivers of personalization drivers. Others have a balanced strategy.​
Whatever the approach - the outcomes are significant.

Retailers in the top quartile of the Personalization Retailer Preference Index (PRPI) outperform the bottom two quartiles, which translates to:
+ 14% shoppers with a strong emotional connection
+ 41% share of wallet
+ 34% online monthly visits per person
+ 131% traffic share in a retailer's footprint
Interested in seeing how you and your top competitors ranked?

The Retailer Preference Index is the only model that explains which grocery retailers are winning in personalization, and why, by combining both financial and emotional results.

For a deeper understanding of your banner's performance as it relates to personalization, our custom banner deep dive provides a comprehensive analysis of your ranking, competitive positioning, and insights not available in the complimentary public report.

Complete the form to request your customer banner deep dive.
| Personalization Retailer Preference Index (PRPI)
Gain actionable insights and a better understanding of how U.S. shoppers define personalization, discover key personalization drivers that have the biggest impact on financial outcomes, and explore some of the winning personalization strategies.  
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